Friday, July 30, 2010

Need your opinion to develop new nail care product :)?

I’m working on developing a new product for nail care “Nails to Go”. Once developed, this machine will enable users to apply or remove nail polish in as fast as 90 seconds. I need the answers to the following questions for my market research. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks.

Q1. On average, how often do you paint your nails?

A - once a week

B- once every two weeks

C - once every three weeks

D- once a month

E- less often

F - don’t do it

Q2. How you find the idea of having an opportunity to have your nails done at any place, at any time with “Nails-to-go”

A – very attractive

B– somewhat attractive

C– not very attractive

D– not at all attractive

Q3. Would you be very, somewhat, not very or not at all likely to purchase “Nails-to-go”?

A– very likely

B– somewhat likely

C– not very likely

D– not at all likely

Q4. How much will you be willing to pay for that kind of product?

$____Need your opinion to develop new nail care product :)?
Somebody might steal your idea hahaNeed your opinion to develop new nail care product :)?
Q1.) D- Once a month

Q 2.) B- Spmewhat attractive

Q 3.) B- somewhat likely

Q 4.) %26lt;$40 I wouldnt buy it for more than $40, it isnt something that I would use enough to pay more than that.

How are you coming up with something that will cover nails perfect ly when everyones nails are different sizes/shapes... I find it relaxing and refreshing to go out and get my nails done, its like a girl thing to do that.

Good luck though hope it works out for you.

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